Sunday, May 29, 2011

I kissed a frog and I liked it.

Flashback after a quick rewind and I will drop a few lines of the bits of straw I can pick from my brain. What my head told my heart and what my heart kicked into my head. Build a nest and curl up tightly waiting for the starlight to guide me, the rainbows to enlighten me, and the sound of crisp leaves to dance to.

The taste of La Folie crisp from New Belgium Brewery hanging on your bottom lip with the lingering ache of deep laughter and the sway of hula hoops whisping on your hips and whispers of the wind and bluejays frolicking in your ear. The trees tell you their secrets and you tell them to the stars but root them deep in the dark terra firma. Dancing among the grass until it trips you up, and fall splashing through the thresh down a hill where green fades to long strands of gold and the silken strands stay left in your hair like a crown mother nature made just to frame your honeysuckle face and your knees are skinned and your nails full of dirt and you know there is nothing better than this. Nothing better than this life, this gift of the present.

"Guess I should have saw him coming, it still took me by surprise. A different man a different place but the same look in his eyes...
His words won't mean a thing, when your waiting on a king, why settle for the jack of hearts. He kept me safe and sorry. I just had to take the leap, but in candlelight it's hard to see that the waters not that deep... "- Sarah Darling- Jack of Hearts

I read once
"Sometimes, I want to climb trees. But I don't, it's not what grown ups do."
Climb a tree love- there is no age limit to the scent of sticky sap in your hair and the way light filters through branches full of green rustling in the wind. Be it oak or pine the smell is incomparable and fills a heart with joy that many do not find after childhood. The clean air and the imagination of being Peter Pan with Tink's magic pixie dust leading the Lost boys. Is that why we are so unhappy, why we laugh so much less than the typical 6 year old at our "adult" age. There is a difference between growing up and growing old. Age gracefully. Take my hand and reach out for this branch- the sky is calling you- remember when we learned to talk to the leaves. Don't stop climbing until you reach the sun. There's something about climbing branch after branch getting scraped elbows and breathing hard- closer and closer to the sky. Like the possibilities are endless and we don't need to just keep our feet planted on the ground. Remember to keep your head in the clouds as well- the sun on your face and the world smiling with you.

Somewhere along the way, their personality shifted just enough; altered their life path a tiny hair out of the way of their soulmate’s. That one thing that happened to you, it changed you just enough to make you unlovable. At some point on the graph that is your life, your lines will cross and after that it’s nothing and no one.- Inevitability by

Cutting out paper snowflakes to decorate our windows where the sun beat inside everyday boiling us from the inside with a world full of cold shoulders and lukewarm handholding. Rain came home and sadness flooded from the bathroom stall regardless. Such seasons overwhelmed us, overcame us, and drowned us with fingers slipping out from in between each other, no longer being able to hold on against such a torrent slick, with blood pumping to the surface hanging on for one more minute, hold your breath, can we make it for two. Kiss me quick, it will soon be over and I don't want to forget your face. Chills even two years later, looking at those paper snowflakes, sitting in my coffee table drawer, made with such love, just looking at them and remembering the fathomless depths of your lost eyes that I barely pulled myself out of in time. I am so glad you taught yourself how to climb.

Scarf Assassin is here, choose your fate. Shall it be the wool or the cashmere? Your hot breath laughing clouds into the air as you continually took my breath away and I hid it so well. Your eyes shown with the sun dancing gold upon their expresso brown. Had to be expresso, no other color quite defines the caffeine high one gets just looking at you when your eyes flash like sun on the river. Full of pure excitement and enjoyment of the fulfillment of the moment. When your body exudes such passion and fights with life and your mouth dances with the expression of the many worlds inside of you I was so blessed to adventure in. You are a friend I wear proudly, one I am proud to call my own and you truly have a heart of the finest gold. I will always regret and appreciate what we have experienced in our lives as well as be glad I have learned so much with you and so much from you that I shall let you live... for now...

More for later-- Sorry for the randomness if it offends you- I only have my friend Michelles laptop and feel I have no choice but to choose what idea's come to me first as I sift through old memories and have some form of enlightenment- I can't wait to have my own computer again!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Story

Not able to write a full blog post since I'm traveling-- Enjoy